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Teenage Sex

The Price of Admission

As Seth’s tongue darted in and out of my sister’s pussy, she would lift her buttocks, seemingly unable to contain herself. For some reason, Seth continued to pleasure her for at least half an hour. My sister was reaching the edge of ecstasy.

“Sethji… please don’t tease me like this! If you want to fuck me, just do it!” she pleaded. After a while, Seth pushed my sister’s knees apart and inserted his large, seven-inch penis into her vagina. It took some effort for him to penetrate her fully. He then began to thrust into her with gusto, clearly enjoying himself immensely. Seth was a tall man with a thick, well-endowed physique. It seemed wrong that my sister, so young and innocent, should be subjected to this kind of exploitation by an old man like him.

We were sitting outside with my friend Piyush, drinking beer.

“Ha ha ha…” Piyush laughed. “Ayan! Look at Seth fucking your sister so hard, the sounds are reaching all the way here! Ha ha ha!”

“Yeah, brother… I told Shabhavi to let him do whatever he wanted. No need to hold back,” I said.