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Teenage Sex

The Price of Admission

“There is one way, Ayan,” Piyush replied, his voice low and serious. “But it might not be what you want to hear.”

“Tell me, Piyush! For this money, I’ll do anything!” I pleaded.

“You need to let someone sleep with your sister,” Piyush said bluntly. “I guarantee you’ll get the money. Shabhawari is so beautiful; she could easily earn us ten thousand rupees for a single night. I’ll handle finding the client.”

“What? You want me to sell my sister?” I exclaimed, horrified.

“Come on, man! It’s just one night,” Piyush insisted. “Think of it as an investment in Shabhawari’s future.”

“That’s too much!” I protested.

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“Look, you’re my best friend. I’m doing this for you. Just let me arrange a client and take 20% of the earnings,” Piyush said, his voice firm.

“Deal,” I sighed, defeated.

A few days later, Piyush brought back a client – a wealthy businessman named Seth. I didn’t know his full name, but he was clearly affluent. I offered him water and made him comfortable. Then, I pulled Piyush aside and asked how much the client was willing to pay for Shabhawari.