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Teenage Sex

The Price of Admission

Hello friends, I am Ayan, and welcome to Porn Story Dot Com. I’m a regular reader here and have been enjoying these stories for two years now. I read them secretly – sometimes in the bathroom at home, sometimes in the garage, even in the garden. Today, I want to share my own story with you all.

Friends, I live in Jaipur. My sister, Shabhawari, is incredibly beautiful and very desirable. She’s 21 now, ripe for the taking. I have seduced her many times, even showing her blue films and having sex with her. Our parents passed away a long time ago, so it’s just me and Shabhawari now. We live together, and our bond is very strong. We spend most of our days together, locked in our own world of intimacy. My sister has a firm, athletic build – lean and toned. She has a captivatingly thin waist. I have held her close many times, indulging in passionate acts that left her breathless.

Shabhawari’s body is perfect – not an inch out of place, but where it matters most, she is generously endowed. Her breasts are firm and smooth, like marble, and as white as snow. I have enjoyed them thoroughly, my friends. For a whole month, we stayed locked away in our home, lost in our desires. Afterward, my lust subsided. I took several pictures of Shabhawari’s vagina, capturing her pleasure as she received my manhood.