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The Governess- 7

She looked at the boy as he stood facing away from her. She examined his body,
noting the six stripes across his bottom. It was not unusual in Vietnam to be
beaten by one’s family, or the authorities, and this did not seem a severe
beating. She admired his body, she had not seen a boy so good looking either in
Vietnam or since she had landed in England.
The door from the secretary’s office opened and two young nurses walked in. They
were dressed in starched white tunics, their bare legs visible to mid thigh. She
noticed that they were both tanned, their skin shining with health. Both nurses
were tall, one had blonde hair which was cut short around her head, showing off
her pretty features. The second nurse had dark hair which was cut straight
around her neckline. She was extremely pretty, she smiled at the girl,
displaying strong white teeth.
‘Up on to the scales please.’ She motioned to the girl to stand facing forward
on the platform. The dark haired nurse marked the weight on her chart as the
scales steadied.
‘That’s fine, now just stand against the measure on the wall, facing me.’ The
nurse watched as the girl stepped off the scales and walked to the wall near the
office door.
‘Put your back flat against the wall, and press your shoulders back, that’s it.’
The young girl obeyed, her breasts jutting forward as she pressed her shoulders
‘That’s fine, now go with Nurse Falmer and get up on the far table will you.’
The girl followed the blonde nurse to the second of the examination tables.
Richard could hear the instructions the nurses were giving but could see nothing
but vague reflections in the glass in front of his face.
‘Right young man, it’s your turn now, come over here to the scales will you.’
Richard turned, his hands still placed over his genitals as he walked toward the
nurse. She looked very pretty as she smiled at him.
‘I hope you are not going to be shy all through the examination are you.’ She
looked at his hands covering himself.
‘Just stand on the scales facing me.’ Richard did as he was asked and stood
facing the nurse. His face was now level with hers as he stood up on the
platform. She noted his weight from the digital scale and picked up her
clipboard that held Richard’s details.
‘all right Richard, up against the measure, that’s it.’ Richard stood with his
back to the wall measure, still covering himself with his hands.
‘I’m afraid you will have to stand straight.’ She said kindly. ‘Just drop your
hands by your sides and press your shoulders against the wall. Press your head
back that’s the way.’ Richard reluctantly let his hands drop to his sides, his
face blushing as he uncovered himself. He pressed his head, back looking
straight at the young nurse as she smiled at him. She moved to his side to take
the measurement from the chart. Richard could see the examination table with the
young girl laid upon it. She was stretched out on her back, her head was toward
Richard, he could see her breasts jutting upward. Her legs were close together
her toes pointing forward.
Her smooth pubic mound pale under the overhead lights. The nurse moved back in
front of Richard, her eyes glancing down at his groin, as she laid her hand on
his shoulder. He noticed her look and blushed as her eyes met his.
‘Just get up on the table and lay on your back, I’m just going to take your
blood pressure.’ She led him by his shoulder to the table. Richard climbed up
aware that the nurse was watching him. He could not help blushing again as she
laid her hand on his chest, smoothing it up over his nipple. She moved to the
top of the bed and took hold of his head gently, placing it so that it was
tilted back slightly. Richard laid there feeling very nervous as the nurse drew
up a trolley containing a blood pressure strap and gauge as well as other
‘Keep your head like that Richard.’ She said softly as Richard tried to look to
see what she was going to do to him. She took his right arm and wound the strap
around the part above his elbow. Richard could feel the strap tightening as she
squeezed the lemon shaped rubber pump between her fingers. She watched the gauge
on the trolley, reading the pressure.
The nurse finished the reading and marked the result on Richard’s chart. She
gently released his arm from the strap and pushed the trolley back from the side
of the table.
She looked down at the boy laid before her, examining every inch of his body.
She noticed his tight scrotum, the testes bulging below his penis. His thighs
were pressed together tightly as if trying to hide his genitals from her. She
looked up toward his face, he was staring up at the ceiling his head in exactly
the position she had placed it. She took a needle and syringe from the trolley
and fitted them together. Walking around the table she took hold of his other
‘You will just feel a little prick in your arm Richard.’ She said softly as she
located a vein on the inside of his forearm. Carefully she pushed the needle in
to the vein and pulled a small amount of blood into the syringe, before
extracting the needle.
The nurse took the syringe back to the trolley and opened a small circular
plaster which she placed on the boy’s arm. Gently she stroked her hand over the
boy’s tummy, her fingertips just brushing the top of his pubic hair.
‘You can get up now and stand over here.’ Richard sat up, his face red with
embarrassment. He tried to turn his body away from the nurse as he swung his
legs over the side of the bed.
‘Just stand here.’ She gestured to an open area on the floor. Richard stood
facing her. He could hear the girl being asked to sit up on the examination
table behind him. Sarah was delighted with the sight that greeted her.