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The Governess- 5

‘Right, just slip your gown off and lay down flat.’ Richard could see the
shadows move as she spoke, but could discern nothing more.
‘That’s finished you Richard, just wait there while I see if there is anything
else.’ The girl behind him spoke as she put down the scissors. She walked to the
plastic curtain, pulling it aside as she walked through to where the young girl
was laid on the examination table. Richard could just see her legs as the
curtain was pulled back for a second. He could see the shadows of the women as
they talked in whispers.
The young hairdresser came back through the curtains, smiling as she approached
the chair. She leaned forward so that her face was close to his.
‘I’ll just take this cloth off you.’ Her body pressed hard against his knees as
she reached behind him for the ends of the cloth.
‘You will just have to pop up on the table a minute Richard.’ The boy looked at
her not understanding what she meant.

‘Just lie on your back on the table, While I get my things, it wont take long.’
Richard seemed puzzled but did as he was told, feeling no alarm as he laid down
looking up at the ceiling. The girl brought the trolley to the side of the
table, before going to the sinks, filling a small jug with warm water. She
returned to the table and bent over the boy.
Richard looked up at her as she bent her pretty face over his.
‘Now you just lie back and don’t get embarrassed. I’ll be as quick as I can.’
Richard had no idea what was about to happen, but he felt uneasy as she spoke.
‘You are a lovely looking boy you know, I bet all the girls fancy you.’ she said
with a cheeky smile. Richard blushed as she bent her head closer and kissed his
cheek softly.