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The Governess- 5

‘There that seems all right.’ She said softly as she took her hands from the
boy. ‘Just stay where you are a few moments,’ she patted him gently on the
buttocks and bent to get a towel from the trolley

Richard stood trembling, his arms stretched out above him. His penis thrusting
out above his parted thighs. He felt utterly humiliated as he watched the nurse
reach down for a towel. Her shapely body swaying as she bent on one knee. He
felt a sudden chill on his body as the door behind the row of baths opened.
‘Are you finished?’ He heard a voice behind him.
‘Yes I’ve just got to dry him off and he can go through.’ The young nurse stood
up holding a towel as Nurse Todd walked up to her companion.
‘My you have been busy.’ She said looking at Richard, her eyes glancing down at
the boy’s turgid penis.
Richard looked straight ahead, avoiding the girl’s eyes. He blushed a deeper red
as she stepped toward him and placed her arm around his waist.
‘Just step out and we’ll dry you off.’ She pulled the boy’s arm down from the
rail above him and turned his body toward her. Placing her hand behind his knee
she indicated him to step out of the bath.
Richard’s face was ablaze, his head felt dizzy as she helped him from the bath.
He could not avoid her eyes and was embarrassed to see a look of amusement on
her face. The nurse pulled his body towards her as a towel was put around his
‘Stand there and we’ll soon have you dry.’ she said as she proceeded to rub his
shoulders with the towel. Richard looked down as the nurse dried him, her rubber
apron was pressing against his out-stretched penis, rubbing against it as her
body moved. She slipped her arms beneath his, catching hold of the towel and
continued drying him. Her hands moved lower rubbing the towel over his buttocks,
Richard felt his penis being pressed hard against her body as she moved further
forward reaching around his waist. The nurse seemed unaware of his embarrassment
as she bent on one knee, her hands moved the towel down the back of his legs.
Her head was inches from his erect penis as she brought the towel round in front
of his legs and took it in one hand, holding the back of his knee with the
other. She was looking at his penis as she spoke.
‘My Richard you are tense, just try and relax a bit, there’s a good boy.’ She
moved the hand on the back of his knee up to his bottom, her cool hand cupping
his buttock as she dried the front of his thighs.
‘Open your legs a little.’ She said, pushing the towel in between his legs.
Richard was in a haze of embarrassment as she slid the towel up under his
testicles, rubbing backward and forward gently. He started to tremble as she
brought the towel under his penis, the texture of the material sending shivers
through him as it brushed against the exposed rim of the glans. She pulled on
his bottom as she deliberately brushed the towel over the sensitive tip. Richard
could not help jerking his hips backwards as he tried to escape the sensation.
‘There all done, I’ll just put a bit of cream in your bottom and then you will
be ready to see the doctor.’ Richard felt numb his head was ringing and his
throat was dry. Nurse Todd stood up and turned the boy so he was facing her
‘Just bend forward, see if you can touch your toes.’ She gently pushed his back
as her hand slid round his waist holding the flat her hand against his tummy.
Richard bent forward trying to avoid the interested gaze of the nurse in front
of him.
‘Legs apart.’ She commanded as she took a scoop of cream from a jar on the
‘Just bend forward a little more.’ She bent over behind him and placed her hand
on the left cheek of his bottom, pulling it firmly to the side she exposed the
boy’s sphincter. Richard felt cool creamy fingers gently rub against his anus,
her fingers probed gently but insistently against the opening. ‘Relax, you feel
very tense.’ Richard jerked, trying to straighten his body as she slid her
finger into his trembling bottom.
Relax now, like we told you.’ She pushed the finger further in making him squirm
as dainty finger slid up into him. She watched as the sphincter closed over her
slim finger feeling the boy tremble as she pushed it in as far as she could.
Slowly she eased her finger back out so that only the tip remained inside. She
probed the sphincter gently before withdrawing completely. ‘That should make it
easier.’ She said brightly as she withdrew the tip of her finger from his
‘You can stand up and turn back to face me.’
Richard straightened up, his bottom felt as if it were still trying to expel her
finger as he stood straight and turned toward her once more. The nurse dipped
her hand into the jar once more and took hold of the boy’s erect penis. Richard
closed his eyes his body trembling as he felt her cool fingers wrap around his
member. She pushed the foreskin back as far as it would go, stretching the skin
‘I don’t know whether you are aware of it Richard, but both your bottom and the
skin around your penis is very tight. The cream might help. so if you just try
and keep still. She looked up at Richard as she spoke. He could not help looking
back at the girl’s pretty face, his head spinning with the sensation of her
fingers as she smoothed the cream around the rim of his penis and down behind
the glans. Richard’s thighs were trembling as she pulled the foreskin back over
the glans.
‘There I’ll get you a gown and you can go through and wait for the doctor.’ She
stood fully upright and gently released the boy’s penis. Richard stood trembling
as she turned toward the door, his face was bright crimson. He felt a gentle
hand on his shoulder.
‘Don’t worry Richard, every body has to go through it.’ Her voice was soft and
low, as Nurse Ford stroked her hand gently over his shoulder.
The other nurse quickly returned with a white towelling dressing gown which she
held open in front of her.
‘Pop your arms in here and I’ll take you through.’ Richard turned around,
sliding his arms in to the fluffy towelling. She slipped her arms beneath his,
her body pressing against his back as she passed the belt through to the front.
Richard fumbled with the belt, his fingers felt clumsy as he tied the gown.
Although covered, his erection was pushing the front of the gown out like a tent
He quickly thrust his hands in to the pockets and pulled his penis to the side,
holding it against his body. Nurse Ford smiled as she saw the boy fumbling
beneath the gown.
‘I think you have just got time for a drink Richard, would you like a little
orange juice.’ ‘Y..yes.. please nurse.’ He managed to say as he looked at her,
noticing the smile on her face.