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The Governess- 5

It was ten minutes later when Richard emerged through the door to the row of
baths. Both nurses looked up at his naked body, his hands once again clasped
tightly to his groin. The bath they were stood next to was already half filled
with water.
‘Just pop yourself in here, Richard and you will feel a lot better.’ The taller
girl addressed Richard and pointed to the water. Richard got into the bath
covering his now flaccid penis.
He sat down, using one hand on the side of the bath as he covered himself with
the other.
‘I will leave you to it.’ The smaller girl addressed her colleague as she left
the bathroom.
The nurse kneeled by the side of the bath and took a jug she had placed on the
floor. She filled the jug from the bath water behind the boy’s back.
‘Close your eyes Richard I am going to wash your hair.’ She proceeded to pour
water from the jug over the boy’s head as he squeezed his eye-lids together. She
got up and fetched shampoo from a trolley at the far side of the room. The
trolley contained an assortment of bottles and jars.
Turning to the bath she observed the boy as he sat in the warm water, his
face screwed up as he squeezed his eyes. His hands were still covering himself.
I am going to enjoy this she thought as she approached the bath. Pouring the
liquid on to his head, she began to shampoo the boy’s hair, rinsing it several
times before putting on more shampoo. Gently she massaged his scalp, her fingers
stroking the back of his neck and his ears. She rinsed once more before fetching
clean warm water from the tap at the sink.
‘Eyes tight, you don’t want soap in your eyes.’ She poured more water over the
boy’s head.
‘Right stand up and I’ll do the rest of you.’ Richard’s eyes were still shut but
there was no mistaking the boy’s reaction to her words.
He blushed as he took one hand away from his groin and held the side of the
bath. The girl smiled as she helped him up putting her arm round his waist.
Above the bath was a metal bar, which ran along the entire length of the room.
It held plastic shower curtains at one end. The bar was about two feet above
the boy’s head. She took one of Richard’s wrists and lifted it above his head.
‘Take hold of the bar Richard.’ She said gently as Richard looked up . He
clasped his fingers around the bar, his other hand still cupped tightly over his
penis. He blushed as she took hold of his other wrist and pulled it from his
‘Both hands on the bar, that’s a good boy.’ She said soothingly as she exposed
him. Richard felt numb, standing naked before the young nurse. She smiled kindly
at him before walking across to the surgical trolley situated in the middle of
the room. She wheeled it across to the bath and taking a dispenser of liquid
soap she squeezed a generous helping on to her palm. Looking up at Richard she
saw the dismay on his face as she scooped water on to his tummy. Don’t be
embarrassed Richard.’ She said brightly. ‘You want to feel clean don’t you?’
‘Yes Nurse.’ Richard said, his mind in turmoil.’ She scooped more water on to
his stomach and watched it trickle down between his legs.
‘Well then a nice warm bath is just the thing.’ She transferred the soap to her
left hand and proceeded to soap the young boy’s stomach avoiding his pubic hair.
She took the jug again and poured water over his shoulders and chest. Soaping
both hands thoroughly, she washed his back and shoulders her hands moving
smoothly over his body.
‘I would have thought it would be quite nice to have someone do the work for
you.’ She brought her body closer to him as she spoke, looking up in to his
face. Her hands slowly moving over his thighs and down to his knees. She took
her hands away and placed them around his waist, her body touching his thighs as
her fingers gently soaped him. Richard looked at her his face bright red, the
cold of her rubber apron cool against his skin.
“Well, doesn’t that feel nice?”.
‘Yes Miss.’ He stammered, his body taut as he gripped the rail above his head.
His chest and shoulders as well as his thighs were well covered in soap suds,
but so far she had not touched his pubic area. “Maybe she would not touch him
anywhere else, he hoped as he felt her soft hands moving over his body. ‘Well
that must feel a lot better.’ she said as she brought her hand up in between his
legs, her palm stroking the back of his thighs.
‘Just open your legs a little, that’s it just a bit more.’ Richard groaned and
his heart sank as she brought her right hand up between his buttocks, her other
hand pushing his legs apart.
‘That’s it as wide as you can go.’ She pushed his thighs apart until his feet
were touching the curve of the bath side.
Slowly and deliberately she pushed her hand in between his bottom and
underneath him, cupping his testicles in her right palm, the left hand slowly
ascending the front of his thighs. Richard steeled himself for what must surely
come next.
‘You do want to be clean here, don’t you. He could not help watching as her hand
moved up his thighs and firmly took hold of his penis.
‘Most young boys never seem to wash properly here.’ She pushed her hand further
in between his thighs and took hold of the shaft of his penis with her right
hand. With the other she pinched the tip of the penis before pulling the
foreskin back firmly. She looked up into his face as she stretched the foreskin
back along the shaft as far as far as it would go.