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Brother Sister

The Facebook Deception: From Sisterly Friendship to Intimacy

I left on March 22nd, and my sister left on March 23rd. I had already given her the hotel address and told her I’d been staying there for the past seven days. Around 8 pm that evening, she arrived at the hotel and knocked on my door. My heart pounded with a mixture of fear and excitement. What if she recognized me? What would she think?

I stood there for three or four minutes, agonizing over these thoughts before finally opening the door. My sister stood there, stunned. She looked at me in disbelief and exclaimed, “You?” Tears welled up in her eyes as she started cursing me, calling me a disgrace for behaving this way with her, my own sister.

I invited her inside, offered her water, and apologized. She sat silently for about ten minutes before finally speaking, “Your… your manhood is so big,” she said, breaking into a laugh.

I realized then that she was pretending to be angry. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her passionately. She responded with equal fervor. We closed the door, lay on the bed, and continued kissing.