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Brother Sister

The Facebook Deception: From Sisterly Friendship to Intimacy

I started commenting on all her posts, showering her with compliments and praise. For almost a month, I consistently engaged with her content, praising her pictures, poems, and everything else she shared. This constant attention fueled my desire for her. Then, I decided to take the next step.

One day, I messaged her, saying that I was going to Rishikesh for work and asked if she could meet me at a hotel. I gave her ten days’ notice, and she agreed. Our conversations became increasingly sexual over the next few days. After five days of this, I convinced her to engage in a webcam chat, but with one condition: neither of us would show our faces on camera, only the parts below the neck. We decided to meet face-to-face at the hotel. She agreed, and for the next five days, I was able to see her entire body. I was consumed by lust, seeing her every day, but now I could finally experience her physically.

Two days before my planned trip, I told my parents that I had to go out of town for work. My sister also concocted a story about needing to study outside the house for an exam. Our father is in the army and rarely home, while our mother is a housewife – easily manipulated with excuses about studies. My mother agreed to let her go out for a day.