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Brother Sister

The Facebook Deception: From Sisterly Friendship to Intimacy

My name is Rajiv, and I’m a 22-year-old resident of Dehradun. I work at a company, while my sister is 24 years old – two years older than me. I harbored a secret desire for my sister, often gazing at her body with lustful intent. Sometimes, I would question the morality of my thoughts, but then I’d convince myself that “what happens in the house stays in the house.”

I would try to catch glimpses of her changing clothes or bathing, and I succeeded in seeing her intimate areas on occasion. However, my ultimate goal was to have sex with her. Several times, I attempted to befriend her, but she would rebuff me, asking what I was doing and why I was touching her inappropriately. This fear of getting caught by our father kept me from pursuing things further.

One day, an idea struck me: why not become friends with her on Facebook? I created a fake profile, using a handsome photo copied from the internet and crafting a convincing persona – a well-educated manager at a company. Knowing my sister’s Facebook profile, I sent her a friend request. After numerous attempts, she finally accepted.