Porny Story

Sex Story, Porn Story, Hot Sex Story With Pics, Erotic Story, spicy Story


The camera never lies

I had been going out with my girlfriend for about 5 years and we had lived together for most of that time. But because we both worked in retail our time off would more than often fall on totally different days of the week and sometimes when I came back from work, she would tell me of her day spent wanking and watching pornography. I loved the idea of being stuck in my boring job while she lay half naked on the sofa fucking herself senseless for hours on end. Her descriptions of what she had got up to always ended up in some long, filthy sex session when I got home and I would often try to encourage her into it before leaving for work in the morning. After all, I did pretty much the same thing while she worked – putting on a porno and sitting open legged on the chair with my feet resting on the coffee table. I’d sit playing for hours before allowing myself to cum, often only minutes before she walked through the door.

One day in summer I came home to find her sat reading. After a few minutes of asking how my day had been, she excitedly handed me her old digital camera. It had belonged to her ex-boyfriend and I’d totally forgotten it even existed. ‘Turn it on!’ she said as she handed it to me. ‘I’ve taken some photo’s today’ she told me with the biggest grin.
As the screen came on, a picture of her laying next to the window appeared. She was cheekily smiling into the lens and cupping one of her boobs. The next shot was her licking at the nipple of the same tit with her long tongue, still staring into the camera. ‘Well?’ she said.