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The bribe of my Sister

My name is Sandra, aged 35 housewife, living in a village in Tamilnadu, India. Now I become a prostitute not professional but like to go and have sex to a few. It happened one day, when my hubby was upsonded due to a mistake done by him and was wanted by a government officer. The officer came to my house in search of him and he questioned me for his wherabouts. Finally he theartend me to complain to the police, unless I pay a considerable amount to him. If I do he said he will withdraw the complaint. At that time I had no money. Then the driver came to my rescue. “Sir you go and wait in the car” he sent the officer. When he gone he spoke to me.

” Madam, you have no money to pay? Isn’t it ? ” “yes…”i said. “O.k. ..mmm. I will sole this but could you do as I say?’ I bewildered. What should I do?'” He stare me and smiled.. Easy.. we are going to stay in a hotel to night.. If you come and meet us in the evening …and adjust….er..we will sent you in the morning..” He smiled . I understood, my heart started to beat faster. my lips went dry.”unless you do it tomorrow the police come to…” I interrupt.. O.k. i’ll come”.