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The blindfolded taste of lust-3

“Give it back.”

She lets it drip in his mouth and he swallows it finally. The taste is becoming better and better.

He reaches out with his hand in the emptiness around him, calling for the other man, inviting him in his mouth, pleading for his cum. It touches his open hand, rests in his palm. He instinctively closes his fist and pulls it towards his mouth.

“Have you been saving up too?” he asks.

“He has” his wife answers. “He hasn’t cum in a week.”

“Give it to me.”

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Holly fuck this is going to be good. At this point, it’s not even him doing these things, stroking this cock with a swirling motion, reaching with his mouth for the head, running his tongue all over it, taking it in his mouth like he’s trying to win it over, love it enough so it will spill everything it has for him. Lust is doing this and lust has completely taken over him. He wants nothing more than for this cock, than for this man to cum torrents, to overflow in his mouth. To give him this taste. This smell. Just for him.

He fondles his hairy balls, begging them to be full and to empty themselves. His right hand twists around in unison with his mouth and tongue as he suck the straw of flesh, of a man’s flesh to empty every drop of sperm he has been building up deep in his balls. Suck up his entire desire, his entire orgasm and feel it in his hand as he empties himself. Nothing else exists.