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Taking the Edge Off – Part 2

So when that relationship seemed to come to a head, a month after their educational encounter of sorts, both of them flew headlong into the arguments and the tantrums. They’d had no problem moving on up until then. After that it seemed that more lay beneath the surface than either had admitted, or even expected.

Michael had gone into a short-lived relationship with a girl from college. Karen had tried getting back into the dating game but couldn’t find anything promising, not even in the bedroom department. Their family seemed headed for ruin until the end of Michael’s relationship, when his girlfriend had turned out to be a serial cheat and one who liked to play with boys’ minds.

Gradually, Michael broke under pressure and returned home, his face streaked with burning tears, and into the arms of his mother. It was most welcome. Karen could never have forgiven herself if they had driven each other any further apart.

‘I love you mom, I’m sorry I acted like an asshole,’ he cried into her neck, holding on tight. She told him that she loved him too, naturally. She assured him that everything would be fine, that she was here for him no matter what.