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Taking the Edge Off – Part 2

‘Of course I did.’ Michael shrugged. ‘Not that she was comparable.’ And that was when he began to feel his mom’s heart hammering faintly through her breast against his side.

‘You’re the absolute best son I could ever have wished for!’ She meant it. ‘And at least now you’ve made your first steps towards healthy relationships. You’ll figure it out. I’m not the greatest mom in the world. Not the worst to make comparisons with though, it seems.’

‘And maybe I helped you out of your shell after all without traumatising you for life?’ She laughed and then to her surprise so did Michael, before he hugged her tighter and kissed her back; one on the cheek, one on the forehead and then one on the lips. Their eyes met and Michael realised just how fucking adorable she really was.

‘You’re the greatest mom in the world to me. I don’t care what happened. I should have loved you harder after that day and I really wished I could have. I think it’s all made me realise just how much I do love you.’

Karen blushed and was surprised to find that her eyes suddenly stung with the familiarity of her own tears. But they didn’t fall. Instead, with glassy eyes she looked up at him proudly and with a profoundly deep love that she hadn’t felt, at least since back when…