T-Girl fairy tale 4

With her dress back around her waist she leaned over her last chance for a husband and smacked him on the cheeks until he slowly came around. Once his mind fully came aware he scrambled to back away from Angel.

“No need to try to escape. I have no intention of asking you to be my husband. I don’t think we are…uh…compatible.” She watched as he quickly donned his pants and when he was ready she extended her arm again. He looked at it dubiously.

“There is nothing to fear, your experience is over, but we should leave the room in apparent accord.” His mind was a swirl with all the gold he would earn selling this story to Angel’s enemies. With a slight sneer he said,

“Of course your Highness. You are correct as always.”

Angel rapped sharply on the door twice and they both saw a brief light blue flash of light around the door jamb. He looked at her questioningly and she said with a smirk of her own,

“Sealed against sound.” He nodded knowingly. Angel opened the door and as they passed through it a startled look passed over the Duke’s face. Angel asked innocently,

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