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Subliminal messages

The next day, Sara invited me to have dinner with them to thank me for my help. I accepted and decided to make them my test subjects. What was the worst that could happen?

In the evening, I knocked at their door with a bottle of wine and a few CDs I had prepared with the subliminal messages. I did not know what music they liked, so I had the electronic music version and three other versions with rock, jazz, and salsa (Japanese are big fans of salsa music). Erika said she wanted to hear the jazz one, while Sara wanted the electronic, needing a coin toss to pick the first one to play. Personally I did not care because if everything resulted like mentioned in the manual, they would be hypnotised by half of the first disc.

The jazz CD won the coin toss and we listened to the soothing music while eating noodles and drinking the wine. Just to be sure the CDs were working, we listened both before I tried anything. By then, both had glassy eyes and I decided to test the subliminal control I “had” over them.