Porny Story

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Spring Semester

Before I was officially inducted, I would have to bang this one girl in the sister house—Jesus, we have a sister house? That’s what I said as soon as I heard. Yes, we did. They were even smaller; only nine of them. But we were having a Schmooze– that was what they called a party—on Friday night, and I had better be there.

Brie and I woke up from our afternoon nap. The sun was setting through her windows. I looked at her bare legs and her pink slip. I massaged them with my hand.
“Mmmm,” she said, stirring. “Do you have to go?”
“Yeah,” I said. “I gotta go.”
I got dressed and we stood in her doorway.
“What are we?” Brie asked.
I shrugged and walked away.

I was chatting up Melissa. She was a blonde with a few piercings, wearing a white blouse and jean skirt. She was in the sister house. We sipped beer as we stood to the side of the beer pong table.
“I’ve had enough of Holocaust jokes,” I said. “Anne Frankly I’m just sick of them.”
She cackled and bounced her head against my shoulder. She was very drunk.
“I wonder if I’ll be lying on that table later on,” she said looking at the beer pong table. This was about the sixth overt sex reference she’d made that night.
“I dunno,” I said. “Want to try it out?”