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 I was in,that’s two different places I’d beat the system in now. My mates would be full of envy when I described what sex happened in the film. – Later because of what came next,there would be no admitting I’d even been near there however. Now remember at my tender age there was no way I could be mistaken for sixteen. I was short and small built for my age. Almost fifteen going on twelve so to speak… I decided the best place to sit would be the back row not to be too conspicuous and anyway I could sit on the seat in the raised position to make me look older I concluded.

 The advert and trailers were running,so the lights had already been lowered. As my eyes grew accustomed to the dimness I could see there were but about ten patrons in the whole place and of these they all looked middle aged. Probably as old or older than my dad. There was no one in the row I was in,then with a quick flash of light from the door another customer came in and stood in the gangway adjusting his eyes I supposed.  “Sit where you like mate,hardly anyone in anyway ” The usher did the new arrival the kindness of flashing his flashlight quickly around the seats including a flash of light that went across my face.