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Sex after birth

I bled for 2 ½ months after Jack was born. Yes, you heard me. 2 ½ months! So that completely took away the perk of not getting my period for 9 months. I went in after 6 weeks to get my pap smear. When I say I was terrified I am making an enormous understatement. I thought about this for weeks beforehand. I was petrified. She was going to have to use the speculum. Also known as the duck bill, evil clamp and car jack. Oh dear lord. How was I going to live through that? I panicked at the thought of it. My heart raced. I got sweaty and short of breath. I was truly scared of going through with this. I contemplated never returning to her office. Due to the continued bleeding she had to reschedule. I was relieved in the moment, but the anxiety just continued to build when I left.

One evening I was cruising around a mommy group that I had joined. Someone brought up the topic of sex. My friend casually stated something about having sex. My mouth fell open and my stomach turned upside down. She has had sex since giving birth? I couldn’t comprehend this. I asked her if I understood her correctly. She said “yes, and I think it’s even better now because I am a bit tense about it.” So, not only has she been having sex she been enjoying it and not only has she been enjoying it she has been enjoying it more than before giving birth? I was literally stunned for like a whole week. Could not stop thinking about it. I must really be the only one left who isn’t having sex.