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Road Trip

“Exactly. My wife considers all but straight ’man on top’ sex a perversion. ”

“Really!? Well that’s perverted in its own way “, Kris stated then took a long drink of her beer.

“My sentiments exactly “, Brent answered then took a drink and added,  “So what do you consider perverted? ….. You know……. just to have another woman’s perspective “, he smiled.

Kris seemed reflective, carefully phrasing her answer.  “Well, it depends on my mood actually. Sometimes, when in the heat of the moment ……you know….when things are getting…..’involved’ …….things seem less perverted ” Kris answered with a shy smirk.

“Ha ha… “, Brent responded with a smile,  “Well put….even if it was evasive. ”

“Well a lady needs a few secrets “, Kris grinned.

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“Hmmmm, I suppose. Hey are you finding it getting colder in here? ”

“Yes actually, but I’m not surprised, when this rig idles it doesn’t give lots of heat. I’ll put on the electric heater back in the bunk – should help ”

“Ok. Boy you’re set up with about everything. Question though – what about a washroom? “