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Road Trip

“Well it looks comfortable, ” Brent noted as he turned to look into the sleeper behind them.

“It is…go ahead and take a look if you want. ”

“Ok ” Brent replied as he slipped out of his seat and through the entrance of the sleeper. He felt a distinct transition as he moved from the mechanical cab with all its buttons and dials, into this space which was defiantly a woman’s bedroom. The blankets were a soft pink and the pictures fastened to the walls were defiantly feminine. There was a small TV/VCR built into the storage rack at the foot of the bed that he imagined she watched chick flicks on. He noticed a woman’s magazine laying on the nightstand, and then was slightly intrigued when he saw a pair of panties carelessly tossed on the floor. A strange woman’s panties would interest any man. Wait, they weren’t panties but on closer inspection – a thong. He immediately imagined this beautiful woman in a thong…the thought aroused him.

“So, what do you think?’ Kris asked.

“Very nice, you must be quite comfortable in there – TV and everything. ” Brent said as he sat back down in the passenger seat.