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Road Trip

“Well take your shoes off, the heat will get to them sooner. ”

“Ok, thanks. ” Brent replied as he slipped of his shoes and slid his feet into the heat from the blower.

“No problem, make yourself comfortable, we have about an hour and a half to get to the city. ” Kris responded. To be honest it’s nice to have some company for a change. I haven’t had anyone to talk to except waitresses for six days. ”

“I’ve never picked up a hitchhiker before actually, ” she continued glancing at Brent,  ” I’ve been warned against it, there’s lots of freaks out there. You’re not a serial killer or pervert are you? ” she giggled.

“Not a serial killer for sure……define pervert ” Brent answered with a chuckle.

“Ha ha….. I see “, she smiled to herself.  “So Brent the pervert is it? ”

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“Not lately “, Brent answered. They slipped easily into a conversation of their home lives, each of them disappointing. Brent proceeded to tell her all about his passionless marriage and that this trip was to provide the opportunity for him to experience passion again. She in turn told him about her present lack of involvement due to her work. He discovered that she spent twenty five days a month away from home. Most nights were spent in her rig, which she explained was her ’true’ home.