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Road Trip

She smiled at him,  “Trouble? ”

“Yes, damn cold out there I’ll tell you. My car died about 45 minutes ago and I’m about numb. ”

“I would think so ”

“I’ve called for a tow truck and it won’t be here for at least a half hour. Can I get a ride to the city, or have you got time to wait until the tuck gets here? ”

“Well I do have a schedule to keep. I can give you a lift though. Do you know where they are taking your car? ”

“Yeah, they told me the dealership it was going to ”

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“Ok good, let’s roll then “, she replied as she slipped the truck into gear and started to move ahead. She was soon up to highway speed.

Once she had finished shifting gears, she turned to Brent, reached out her hand and said,  “I’m Kris by the way. ”

Brent took her hand, and answered,  “Nice to meet you Kris, I’m Brent. ”

“Oh, you’re hands are freezing! ” she said.  “I’ve got the heat turned as high as it will go in this thing; I hope you’re warming up. ”

“Yes, it’s great, thanks. I thought I was going to freeze to death. I’m ok now except my hands and feet. “