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Road Trip

Brent is in ecstasy. As Kris’s tight ass snuggly grips his entire cock he feels the toy, still buried in her pussy, erotically buzzing along the length of his excited hard cock. Kris holds her ass still growing accustomed to Brent’s cock.

She takes the toy in her hand again, and as she holds his cock tightly in her ass, she begins to stroke the toy in and out and out of her quivering pussy.

After only a few moments of Kris’s play with her toy, Brent feels her begin to relax and her grip on his throbbing cock softens. He has resisted the urge to withdraw and thrust into her ass over and over as long as he can stand.

As she becomes more involved with her toy he slowly starts to slide his cock, inch by inch, out of her ass. He stops with just the head of his throbbing member inside her and then begins to stroke his lubricated tool back inside Kris’s tight ass. He feels her tense up from the pressure of his hard thick cock slipping into her ass again, but he also feels her begin to push back against him – welcoming the sensation of having both her holes filled.