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Anal Stories

Road Trip

Kris, while continuing to slide the toy in and out of her pussy with one hand, has found the lubricant with the other. As Brent watches, mesmerized, she raises the tube of lubricant over her ass and squeezes out a long stream between her cheeks. Now dropping the tube on the bed, she runs her fingers through it over the tight ring of her asshole.

Kris turns little circles inside her pussy with the toy with one hand, the fingers of the other continue to caress her bum. She wiggles the tip of a finger on her puckered hole, and then deliberately slides the finger into her ass.

“MMmmmm ” they both moan, Kris from the sensation, Brent from the view.

This, happening only inches from Brent’s stare excites him greatly, and Kris knows it. She can hear his excited breathing and the increased ’slap slap’ of his hand on his cock.

She is aroused by her own actions and by knowing how aroused she is making Brent, she has the desire to feel his cock and her toy inside her at the same time.

She starts to slide her finger in and out of her bum and looks over her shoulder at Brent. She urges him,  “Come fuck my ass “.

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