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Road Trip

She quickly slipped into a pair of jogging pants and shoes then threw a coat around her. She zipped the coat up to her chin and slipped out of the cab.

As the cold air from the open door hit Brent naked on the bed, the urge his him as well. He too stood and slipped the toy out of his ass. Throwing on his clothes, he also slipped out and headed to the washroom.

After racing to and from the washroom, Brent returned to the truck, quickly opened the passenger door, and slipped through it to get out of the cold. He shed his clothes and slipped under the covers of the still warm bed.

Kris was not far behind him and as she came through the door of the truck, she promptly got undressed and joined Brent under the covers.

“Man its so cold out there….Warm me up ” she said as she snuggled into Brent.

“I know, …. Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. ” Brent replied, pulling Kris close.

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“Well, ” she grinned,  “It seems that you’re not a monkey, not a brass one anyway ” she giggled as she reached out and began to fondle Brent’s privates.