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Road Trip

He had been there only about 15 minutes when he started to feel the temperature. His feet were the first to get cold, and his toes were already starting to ache. He knew he’d be completely frozen in the hour that he was told it would take the tow truck to get to him. He decided that he’d have to get a passing vehicle to stop and wait with him or give him a ride to the city.

Brent zipped his coat up tighter, opened the door and stepped out into the frigid air. Raising the car’s hood – the universal trouble signal, he stood beside his car waiting for someone to come down the road. It was less than five minutes later that he saw a semi truck approaching. He raised both his hands as a signal and as the truck went by he saw brake lights and the truck moved to the side of the road. It took about 60 yards for the truck to stop. Brent ran up to it stepped up to the passenger door and opened it.

The warmth of the cab was welcome as he quickly climbed in to the heat. He took his first look at the driver of the truck. He was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a woman. A beautiful woman at that. She was wearing a loose fitting button up shirt, jeans and running shoes. Her long hair fell down her back in a shower.