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Road Trip

She squeezed her pussy down on him as her orgasm rolled on and on…relishing the sensation of Brent’s pulsing vibrating cock in her as her ass was gently warmed by the vibrator.

Slowly the sensations subsided to warmth in their loins. Brent still clutching the control slowed down vibration of the toys, then turned them off.

“That was fantastic! “, he managed to say after Kris lay back down on him, the skin of her breasts damp with sweat from exertion and excitement.

“Mmmmmm, I came so HARD! “, she told him as she laid her head on his chest.

“I know… It put me over the top…..You cum good!…. And you look so sexy when you cum…. ”

“Hehe…really? …

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“Mmmhmm…… , very “, Brent replied and then kissed the top of her head, in response she turned her head and gave Brent a light kiss on his chest.

They laid quietly in the afterglow, regaining their breath and composure for a few long moments.

Kris, gently stirring, broke the silence,  “I think it’s my turn to head over to the bathroom ” she commented as she gently rose off of Brent.
“I’ll be right back….. “, she smiled as she stood.  “Hehe….I guess I won’t need this “, she giggled as she reached back and taking firm hold of its cord, slipped the little bullet out of her bum.