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Road Trip

He was still on top of her in the ’69’ postion and he slid his elbows into the crook of Kris’s knees, he eased her legs back. Her ass was gently raised from the bed, and as he continued to tease her little pussy with light licks, her asshole was exposed to him.

“Mmmmm ” Kris moaned in anticipation knowing Brent would lick her ass now too, as well as her pussy.

Taking slightly longer licks now, Brent slipped his tongue again over her pussy moving closer to her fully exposed

Kris squealed in ecstasy as he finally took a long lick from her clit right down to, and over, her asshole.

Kris was instantly moaning and bucking against Brent’s tongue. He allowed her only a few licks before he backed off yet again, against Kris’s obvious objections.

Brent took one of the little bullets and squeezed some of the lubricant onto it. He also squeezed some onto Kris’s puckered little asshole and massaged it, to her vocal appreciation.

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Lowering his cock to Kris’s eager mouth again and she swallowed it completely. As Kris sucked on his cock, Brent rested the little bullet against her slippery little hole. Taking Kris’s clit between his lips he sucked and she again began to moan. Sensing her growing anticipation, he started the tip of the toy into her ass, then with a hard suck on her clit, slipped the little toy in. It slid in easily, only the little string of a cord showed out of her tight little bum.