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Road Trip

As Kris supported herself on her hands and knees in front of him, Brent reached down and took her hanging breasts in his hands. Brent’s cock was rapidly growing as Kris kept it all in her mouth, manipulating it with her tongue.

“Ahhhhhh mmmMMmm “, Brent groaned as Kris kept her lips locked on the root of Brent’s cock.

As she tickled it with her tongue, she allowed it to grow inch by inch down her throat.

Kris raised one hand from the bed and cupped Brent’s balls. With gentle squeezes and kneading of his scrotum, she expertly sucked and licked on Brent’s now fully erect cock. She began to slide her lips slowly up and down Brent’s throbbing cock. With the lubrication of ample saliva, Kris’s lips and tongue were like liquid velvet on Brent’s excited cock.

Moving his hands from Kris’s breasts to her sides he indicated to Kris that he wanted her to lay down. As she lay down she reluctantly released his cock from her mouth.

Kris was laying on her back, Brent, staying on his knees, leaned down and kissed his way down her tummy. His cock was hanging in Kris’s face and she resumed her manipulations. Brent continued nibbling and licking his way down her tummy to her pubic swell, lightly covered with will trimmed hair. As he continued lower with his lips and tongue Kris spread her legs to allow him access to her pussy. Brent licked down her inner thighs teasing her with his proximity to her itching pussy. The aroma of her womanhood aroused Brent and unable to delay any longer he slipped his tongue into Kris’s slippery pussy.

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