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Road Trip

Brent looked inside and realized that this was Kris’s ’toy box’. He grinned at Kris, who giggled with a look of excitement with a slight blush of embarrassment.

Brent excitedly rummaged through the box. He loved toys, but his wife had not allowed them at home for years, much to his displeasure.

“Yep there’s some lubricant in here “, Brent stated with a grin as he withdrew a large tube of flavoured oil from the box. He noticed that about a third of the lubricant was gone.  “And some other ’interesting’ things. ”

“Well….. “, Kris grinned as she blushed,  ” …..a girl has needs, you know. ”

“I know………I noticed “, he replied with a smile.  “Let’s just leave this handy – we might want to use these things…… ”

“Well we don’t have use for ’these’ things “, Kris replied as she tugged on Brent’s underwear. He was on his knees and as Kris lowered his shorts his penis flopped free against her breasts. She leaned forward to slide his underwear down further, and as she slipped them his knees she deftly opened her mouth and inhaled his half erect prick.

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