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Anal Stories

Road Trip

“Mmmmm, that’s right…. Your bum is a serious turn on for me. ” Brent responded.  “I’ll love sliding my tongue way inside it…MMmmmm “, he added with a slight press of his hips sliding his cock along her ass.

“MmmmmMMM. I can’t wait. ” She purred.  “Do you like anal sex? ” she asked.
“I’m sure I would If I ever get to do it. I’m obsessed with the prospect. A few women have let me try, but I’ve never been able to get it in. ” he admitted as he rose off of her to lay beside her.

“Really? “, she said turning to face him,  “I’ve done it, a long time ago….I liked it. But my last boyfriend thought it was  “sick – only for queers’, so I haven’t done it for a long time. ”

Smiling at Brent she added,  “I’d love to let you tonight. ” She winked at him,  ” The trick is lots of lube and a willing partner…. And baby you’ve got me willing. ”

A coy smile spread across Kris’s face, and reached into a bedside closet,  “And, in so far as ’lubricant’, there should be some in here “, she giggled as she handed Brent a shoebox.