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Road Trip

He was going to a city about 200 miles away to take some training for work, with any luck one of the women he had been playing online with would get a chance to come to his hotel room…he had brought his laptop to chat when he got there….. His only concern now was the weather, it was the worst part of the winter, and he hoped that he wouldn’t get snowed in without even making it to the city.

Nothing it seemed could take the joy out of Brent’s heart or the excitement out of his loins. He was due into the city at about 5:30pm. He’d have a shower and go online and see who was willing to come and play for real. He was excited and had a difficult time keeping speed down, staying just over the speed limit when ’BANG’ a horrible sound came out of the engine. His car drifted to a stop with steam pouring out from under the hood.

Brent’s heart sank.  “Damn, I can’t believe it. ” He muttered.

His first thought was not of the car but the time he was going to miss in the city. He wasn’t even going to try to see what he could do about the car. It was still under warranty so he pulled out his cell phone and called AMA right away. He told them approximately where he was and reminded them it was 50 miles from nowhere, and that it was very cold out. They appreciated his predicament but informed him the closest tow truck was over an hour away. He would have to do his best to stay warm while he waited. Brent put on his coat and settled in for a long cold wait. Almost no traffic was out on this secondary road today, probably because of the cold. A few cars went by but nobody even slowed down when they went sailing by him, rocking his car with the wash as they whined by.