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Road Trip

Brent was an ’ass’ man and massaging Kris’s bum was, despite her obvious pleasure, more of a turn on for him than her. He was mesmerized by the sexy swell of her ass and the firm and soft feel of her flesh. If his cock was hard before it was supremely hard now. He leaned down and gave Kris’s ass a light kiss and a gentle nibble, first one cheek, then the other. Then tracing the string of her thong, he first kissed then slid the tip of his tongue from her tailbone down to the cleavage of her cheeks. Slightly separating them while he massaged, he continued down to lick between the cheeks of her bum.

Kris was thoroughly enjoying this attention and raised her hips presenting her ass to him. Taking the strings of the thong from her hips, he slipped it down her legs, then as she raised each knee in turn he slipped the thong off of her. This was the sexiest sight he could remember, Kris was laid out on the bed, now completely naked with her ass up and inviting him.

Brent knelt behind her again and as he resumed his backrub on the swell of her hips he lowered his face to her sexy bum. He licked and sucked down the line of her ass almost to the tightly puckered hole. Then, after a deliberate pause of 3-4 seconds, he slid his hot wet tongue over her rosebud. Kris jumped and whined in pleasure as he licked then deliberately tickled her sphincter with the tip of his tongue. She pushed her ass back against his tongue and he slipped just the tip of it through the tight ring of her bum.