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Road Trip

“Mmmmm, I’d love to, but I have quite a few desires……. Are you wanting to fulfill them? “, he responded.

“If you are willing to fulfill mine….. “, she whispered as she nibbled on his ear.

“I’d love to. ” He whispered in response,  “Name a desire, and I’ll gladly fulfill it. ”

“Hmmmm……probably a lot like yours. ” She continued to nibble his ear and lick his neck.  “You say you miss passion? You’re tired of ’wham bam thank-you ma’am’? The most passionate thing to me is foreplay. I like to build and build first…. ”

“MMMmmmmmmm, I love that “, Brent responded and then whispered in her ear,  “I want to make you so hot you are begging to cum. I want to tease and tease you….nibble you, caress you, lick you, …. I want to excite you to the most extreme height of passion you can imagine….. I want to excite you mentally, visually, physically….in every way… ”

Brent’s hands roamed over Kris’s back pulling her to him, his hands gently massaged her shoulders under her long flowing hair, and down her back to the gentle swell of her hips. He leaned down kissing and lightly licking her neck and throat.

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