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Road Trip

Brent was watching, but not paying any attention to the movie, he was getting hornier by the minute as he considered his situation. He couldn’t resist any longer and subtly moved his arm under the blanket as he took a drink of his beer. His arm gently lay against Kris’s, which she didn’t move away. Taking this as a positive sign, Brent reached out his hand and laid it on hers.

“This is very nice “, he told her.

“Mmmmm. It is. ” She replied,  “You know what? ”

“What? ”

“I’m starting to get the ’things seeming less perverted’ feeling “, she said with a smile, turning her face toward him.

Brent leaned toward Kris and met her lips with his. They held a passionate kiss, their tongues probing each other’s mouths. Brent lightly sucked on Kris’s tongue, she fully turned toward him wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him toward her.

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She gently broke her kiss and leaning toward his ear whispered,  “How much of a hurry are you to get to the city? If you want, we could stay here all night….. would that fulfill some of your ’passionate desires’? “