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Road Trip

“Ummm define ’Something’ “, Brent grinned.

“Oh, you’re bad! …. Oh that’s right you ARE a pervert. ” She laughed,  “Pick a movie! ” she stated in pretend authority.

“Ok, ok….geez…. Where do you keep them? ”

“Under the TV in the cupboard ”

Brent opened the cupboard and reviewed the titles. He really didn’t care what they watched; he just wanted to get back onto the bed with Kris. He grabbed one that sounded interesting and slipped it into the VCR. He turned back and climbed along the bed back to sit/lay beside Kris.

“You warm enough now? Kris asked.

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“Yeah it’s warm enough in here, but I can’t shake this chill. ”

“Here, c’mon “, Kris said as she lifted the blanket for him to climb under with her. ”

“MMmmmm nice ” Brent sighed as he snuggled under the blanket with Kris. He could feel the heat radiating from her body. He was so close to this gorgeous woman, but there had been no real contact between them yet. He was no fool though; no woman would let a man lay on a bed with her without there being a good chance that she would have sex with him. However, until they were being very intimate there was still the chance that she would call it off. He felt that he needed be forward, but not forceful.