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Road Trip

“Nope – sorry. There is one over there though “, she pointed at a building on the edge of the rest stop. ”

“Ok, I better go out then. This beer is going right through me. ”

“Ok, I’ll try to warm this place up while you are gone “.

Brent slipped out of the cab and into the cold. He raced across the parking lot to the washroom. He was back to the truck in a few minutes.

He climbed into the passenger seat, and closed the door. Kris was no longer in the driver’s seat. He turned and saw her in the bunk, again reaching into the fridge.  “Another beer? ”

“Please “.

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“I turned on the electric heater back here. C’mon back. ”

Brent could definitely not refuse that offer. Kris was sitting up on the bed with her pink comforter tucked up to her chin. She was obviously cold as well. He climbed onto the bed and sat up beside her, there was no other option – thankfully. Brent took the beer Kris offered.

“Thanks. And it is quite a bit warmer back here. ” He added removing his coat.

“Want to watch a movie or something? ” Kris asked.