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Please not the paddle

No, please, no. Not the paddle. I can’t be paddled. Something else……

“Now, passing notes is not such a bad thing. Neither is talking in class, failing to turn in an occasional assignment, forgetting to bring a pencil to class…..”

I’ve done all of those things. She knows it. But they’re little things. Not things girls get paddled for.

“Miss Grawe decided to send you to me because, in her opinion, your behavior isn’t changing based on her own punishments for you. Not that you’re a bad girl….you’re not. All of these are minor things.”

Yes, exactly. You can’t paddle me for them…..make me write lines. Or do extra work. Don’t paddle me.

“I do not see anything here” Mrs. Buchanan was holding Beverly’s file “that stands out, except that certain behaviors continue to be a problem for you.” Mrs. Buchanan paused. Beverly sighed, and blushed a little. “I’d like to see some improvements. I’d like for these little problems to stop happening. I’ve tried to think of different ways we can accomplish that……..”

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