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Brother Sister

My younger brother quenched my pussy’s thirst

The next day was his exam, so he went to give it. My college had a holiday, and my mother asked me to clean his room. As I was cleaning, I noticed that he had left his books on the bed. I picked them up to put them on the shelf when one of them slipped and fell. To my astonishment, it was an adult magazine filled with pictures of naked women. That’s when I understood why Parveen had been so scared when I entered his room the previous day.

At first, I felt strange, but then I thought nothing of it. I didn’t tell anyone about it. But my feelings towards Parveen started to change.

I began reading sexually explicit stories on a website called “Non-Veg Stories” and sometimes masturbated to satisfy myself. Our society expects girls to dress modestly, so I started wearing clothes that revealed more of my body in front of Parveen. I wanted him to notice me, but he didn’t say anything. This went on for several days, but he couldn’t help but glance at my voluptuous curves. I started enjoying it, even though I wasn’t sexually motivated at the time.