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My brother-in-law licked my pussy and fucked me in front of my son

You are reading this story on Non Veg Stories dot com. Sometimes, I get so aroused that I need to use my fingers and vegetables like eggplant, zucchini, and bottle gourd to calm myself down. Once, while feeding my baby, he was sucking on my nipple. Within minutes, I felt a surge of desire, and while still breastfeeding him, I started massaging my clit and inserting my finger into it.

Many times, I think about seducing another man so that he can satisfy me properly. I crave intimacy desperately, but I haven’t found anyone yet. My husband doesn’t have any younger brothers, or else I would target him and enjoy his touch immensely. I never imagined that my sister-in-law would be the one to lick my vagina and make love to me.

A few days ago, my sister-in-law was pregnant and her delivery was approaching. She called me and said, “Sister-in-law, please come to my house for a few days. You know how it is when the baby arrives.” I told her, “Let me ask my husband first and then I’ll let you know.”