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My Boyfriend, my stalker

Luckily, the herpes turned out to be untrue: he has abrasions on his penis from where he had tried cleaning it with hand sanitiser and a loofah (did I mention he was an idiot?), which he had mistook for an STD. I went with him to the clinic and watched his examination so know that much is true.

The menstrual cycle tracker part was true, though thankfully his plan didn’t work. Weeks later he apologised to me and said he didn’t realise how wrong he’d been until afterwards. He said that he was scared that I’d leave him and he knew that if he ‘damaged’ me or got me pregnant I would have to stay.

Amazingly, I can’t say for sure that this incident was what broke us up, if anything we slowly drifted apart until I accepted a job offer on the other side of the country and left. We’d been together less than a year.

While he seemingly took it well at first, he soon started stalking me again and threatening to blow up my car or burn down my new flat.

Eventually I reported him to the police, for stalking, nothing else, and received the most chilling information ever: