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My Boyfriend, my stalker

So he threw me on the bed, face down, and raped me. If I’d been sober I would have been strong enough to fight him off, but I was too clumsy to stop him. At first I didn’t understand what was happening: I thought there had been a misunderstanding and if I protested enough he would stop. When I tried screaming he choked me then raped me anally.

I don’t know what happened after that. I was so shocked that I can’t remember. When I eventually passed out he washed my face, put clean pyjamas on me and tucked me in bed. I woke up the next morning because he was kicking me. He wanted me awake to finish arguing about the cheating. Eventually, he accepted my explanation and we made up.

After that – and I can’t explain why – I almost forgot what had happened. It was so horrific that it didn’t seem real. I tried to pretend that my mind had made it up, but there was blood all over the bedsheets, my thighs and the new underwear.

He wasn’t the slightest bit sorry. He told me that he had cum inside me, so I was probably pregnant. He’d tracked my menstrual cycle on his phone and figured out which day I was most fertile, and had waited for that moment. He then dropped an even bigger bombshell: he had herpes, and now, most probably so did I.