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Mother and daughter’s honeymoon is on the same day

I wanted to get married quickly and move on, but my mother needed someone to lean on. She needed security and love. That’s why she decided to marry Papa.

Now, let me get to the heart of the story. When my mother got married, we moved from Delhi to Noida, where Papa has a flat. My stepfather is a kind man with a successful business. He treats me well and has always been supportive since he started dating my mother.

My half-brother, on the other hand, is a wild child. He spends his time chasing girls and partying. To be honest, I find that kind of carefree attitude attractive. I want a husband who lives life to the fullest, someone who doesn’t hold me back. I don’t care if he dates other women as long as he respects me.

The day of my mother’s wedding was hectic. We were all exhausted from the preparations. In the afternoon, we decorated the house together, making sure everything was perfect for their honeymoon night. Around 10 pm, my mother went to Papa’s room and closed the door behind her. My half-brother and I were about to go to sleep when he said, “Why don’t you come sleep in my room tonight?”