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Mind bondage-3

By the time her hands reached her shaved crotch, I was mesmerized.

“Don’t you see, Adele, that this is natural? Submitting to your slut nature is the only cure for your insomnia, but it will also make you happier. It will allow you to become more fully yourself. You need to stop rejecting what you are,” she told me. Her voice was becoming more and more breathy as her fingers flicked wetly around her … clit. She angled herself so that I could see her vaginal opening, her cunt. One hand began to penetrate it. To fuck it. In and out, a smooth rhythm. She continued to speak, but I wasn’t listening. My hips tried to twitch in response to the beautiful woman before me about to orgasm, but I couldn’t move them much. I was trapped. No sensation touching my … cunt.

I wanted to feel something besides aching heat throbbing through me, I needed a touch, a caress. My hands pulled at the straps, but they were tight. I couldn’t move. Her voice continued to communicate with my subconscious as her orgasm grew nearer. I just watched, absorbed, fascinated, hungry as she went faster and faster.