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Mind bondage-1

Following her words was difficult. Partly it was that she spoke quickly and her voice was low pitched. She also jumped from subject to subject, explaining one clause before she finished the whole thought. Yet another aspect was my ever present tiredness that seemed to be getting worse each passing minute. I took a moment to think about what she had asked.

Then I woke up. I knew from painfully gotten experience that I hadn’t been out for long, but it was still embarrassing.

“I am sorry about that,” I said. “Um, I think I’ve been getting like four hours per night, but it is all in little spurts like that where I drop off and wake up. At least, I feel like I am awake at least one minute for every minute I manage to sleep.”

“No worries,” Pamela replied, her face reflecting concern. “I think from that vivid demonstration I can recommend something for you.

“The owner of this shop holds sleep retreats on weekends when there are enough people interested to fill a class. Usually we have a long wait time as we gather enough participants, but I just had a last minute cancellation for the one he is holding this weekend. Since it is a cancellation, I can give you a great deal on the price, and truly Hun, I think you need this.”