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Marla in control-2

“Good evening ma’am. Here is your pizza. It’ll be $15.”

Marla handed the stud a couple of bills, and watched his eyes as he noticed there was enough to pay for the pizza, but nothing for his trouble.

Marla broke the silence. “Would you like something extra?”

“Not required, but I don’t ever refuse anything from a woman as beautiful as you.”

“Thank you sweetie.” Marla held the remote up and said “Do you know what this is?” He shook his head no. “Its a remote control that controls the vibrator that is currently inside me. By pressing this, whoooooa, button, its speed increases and I get even closer to another orgasm. Would you like to press it?”

He reached out and pressed it once, watching the expression on her face change. A second tap and she reached her hand out to brace herself against the wall. Shocked at what he was doing he gave the remote three quick presses. The sudden increase caused Marla to fall against him as she teetered on the verge of orgasm. Unsure of what to do, he stood there as she came, moaning in his ear as her body convulsed. Marla kissed him on the cheek, and reached down to take her remote from his hand, whispering a sultry “Thank you” to him.

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