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Making and breaking of a cuckold – 14 The devastating reality of my life

“You realize this wouldn’t have happened to you if you’d stayed in your own social class cucky. There’s bound to be sluts out there who would have let you have sex with them in return for a house and car. But not me, I wanted more but I knew I could dominate you from our first date. You were just too stupid and filled with lust to see how I was manipulating you. Well, you’ve paid the full price. A life of servitude awaits you loserboy”.

Her words were true. I had finally reconciled my position in my own mind. I was a fool to pursue a beauty like Gemma; I knew in my heart from the beginning she was way out of my league. If, as she said, I had stuck with my social class this wouldn’t have happened. Like Icarus, I had flown too close to the sun and now would pay the price for my hubris.

Interestingly, I obviously had deep submissive feelings which I had suppressed and had been brought out by Max and Gemma, then finally put on full public display by Sheridan as she cruelly crushed my balls in her beautiful strong hand. There was no turning back. I placed a gentle kiss on the top of Gemma’s right foot then looked up at her.