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Indian Wife ass fucked in Clinic

“Meeta, I think this doctor can do it”, Ritesh said, pointing to this phone.

I looked over. This doctor was just 15 minutes walk from our house.

“Looks good, but it’s a male doctor.”, I frowned,” I would prefer a female one. I don’t want someone else looking down my Vagina“.

“Don’t worry”, Ritesh whispered,” Most of them are males these days, plus they are professionals. They will be polite and won’t do anything wrong with you.”

I still resisted, but upon Ritesh’s presistence, I decided that I’ll visit the clinic next day.

So, next day, when Ritesh went to his office, I dressed up and went to the clinic.

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I was in saree. Not much makeup. Usually I don’t do much makeup. I entered an saw a male attendant. I wondered if the clinic had any female employees. First a male gynecologist and now a male attendant.

“I am here for a checkup. Is the Doctor available?”, I asked.

He checked a register and frowned, “Doctor should be here any minute, but I see that you don’t have an appointment. We don’t usually take walk-in appointees.”